GhostScript API implementation
2010-03-04 20:34:50 UTC
Are there any users of MSEgui who have applied GhostScript
via API? If there is please share it here

Julio Jiménez Borreguero
2010-03-04 20:53:29 UTC
Post by wahono
Are there any users of MSEgui who have applied GhostScript
via API? If there is please share it here
It's in my TODO list. There is a Delphi example and probably it may work
with fpc too.


And the Delphi example:


2010-03-04 21:26:45 UTC
I just download and read in readme.txt :

Ghostscript Delphi example.

This software was written by Alessandro Briosi with the
assistance of Russell Lang, as an example of how the
Ghostscript DLL may be used Delphi.
It is not a finished product.

The test program is precompiled as Test.exe.
You must have the Ghostscript DLL on your search path.
For example:
path %path%;c:\gs\gs7.04\bin
Select "Open File" and it will render all pages then allow
to view them one at a time. It caches ALL pages in memory,

so don't use it on a PostScript or PDF file with many

I underlined at "It caches ALL pages in memory,
so don't use it on a PostScript or PDF file with many

Any opinion?

BTW, Julio! you use email address as Martin's email
mailto:nospam-GMWn+aNOpomXj1p+***@public.gmane.org In FUDforum your message is read
as Martin Schreiber, because FUDforum use email address as
index of message poster.

Julio Jiménez Borreguero
2010-03-04 22:14:57 UTC
Post by wahono
Ghostscript Delphi example.
This software was written by Alessandro Briosi with the
assistance of Russell Lang, as an example of how the
Ghostscript DLL may be used Delphi.
It is not a finished product.
The test program is precompiled as Test.exe.
You must have the Ghostscript DLL on your search path.
path %path%;c:\gs\gs7.04\bin
Select "Open File" and it will render all pages then allow
you to view them one at a time. It caches ALL pages in memory,
so don't use it on a PostScript or PDF file with many
I underlined at "It caches ALL pages in memory, so don't use it on a
PostScript or PDF file with many
Any opinion?
It depends of the use you want for the API. I had two things in my mind,
one was to avoid calling an external program to convert from ps to pdf.
I have read some C examples doing it and probably is not very difficult
to do. The second thing is use ghostscript to render the ps or pdf file
but I have some doubts about it.
Post by wahono
BTW, Julio! you use email address as Martin's email
as Martin Schreiber, because FUDforum use email address as
index of message poster.
I use a lot of news clients.. and this one wasn't properly configured..
fixed to jujibo-GMWn+aNOponQT0dZR+***@public.gmane.org

BTW, it's FUDforum, why don't you use the sender name instead of the
email? :)

2010-03-04 23:09:30 UTC
Post by Julio Jiménez Borreguero
BTW, it's FUDforum, why don't you use the sender name
instead of the
email? :)
Hmmm, I just use Fudforum. It is designed by fudforum team.
Continue reading on narkive:
Search results for 'GhostScript API implementation' (Questions and Answers)
What is the unix operating system?
started 2007-03-20 01:19:25 UTC